About me

Georg Rohde - about meAs a poli­ti­cal sci­ence pro­fes­sio­nal (mas­ters’ degree from Freie Uni­ver­si­tät Ber­lin), after many years in adult edu­ca­ti­on, I spe­cia­li­zed in non­pro­fit manage­ment and inter­na­tio­nal deve­lo­p­ment. In my work, two ques­ti­ons have inte­res­ted me more and more:

  1. For staff to enjoy their jobs and work pro­duc­tively, how do orga­niza­ti­ons need to function?
  2. How can orga­niza­ti­ons stay young while gro­wing older, and adapt to chan­ging envi­ron­ments wit­hout losing the focus on their missions?
  3. How can exe­cu­ti­ves should­er their respon­si­bi­li­ty wit­hout suf­fe­ring from burnout?

Recent trai­nings and positions:

2015 – 2017: Cer­ti­fied trai­ning as a sys­te­mic con­sul­tant and coach at BIF (Ber­li­ner Insti­tut für Fami­li­en­the­ra­pie, Sys­te­mi­sche The­ra­pie, Super­vi­si­on, Bera­tung und Fort­bil­dung e.V.)
2011 – 2014: Exe­cu­ti­ve Direc­tor at Welt­frie­dens­dienst e.V., Berlin
2005 – 2010: Head of Depart­ment for Inter­cul­tu­ral Lear­ning and Pro­ject Direc­tor, Anne Frank Zen­trum e.V., Berlin
2002 – 2004: Pro­ject Direc­tor for adult edu­ca­ti­on against right-wing extre­mism, Mit­ein­an­der e.V., Magdeburg
1997 – 2001: Posi­ti­ons in inter­na­tio­nal coope­ra­ti­on and for a labor uni­on in Washing­ton, DC