Use your Board Cleverly

Some­ti­mes in small to mid-sized Civil-Socie­­ty-Orga­­ni­za­­ti­ons (CSOs), my expe­ri­ence is that the Board only nomi­nal­ly exists. A cau­se might be that members […]

What does my organization need in order to learn?

Lear­ning Orga­niza­ti­ons” (LO) are orga­niza­ti­ons in moti­on, crea­tively adap­ting to chan­ging envi­ron­ments. They under­stand that the deve­lo­p­ment of their staff and teams […]

Don't lose your face

I do not want you to lose your face

When the rela­ti­onship bet­ween an employee and her or his super­vi­sor or manage­ment turns sour, mutu­al trust is lost. Both sides have […]

Empowering team leader

Empowering leadership in a team

An acquain­tance of mine works for a lar­ge public insti­tu­ti­on. She recent­ly told me how dif­fi­cult team work has beco­me due to […]

Graffiti: Hamsterrad, treadmill, vacation

Shut down the email treadmill

When­ever I return from a vaca­ti­on, I know that the­re will be up to 1000 emails wai­ting for me. I will need […]