Don't lose your face

I do not want you to lose your face

When the rela­ti­onship bet­ween an employee and her or his super­vi­sor or manage­ment turns sour, mutu­al trust is lost. Both sides have oppo­sing views on who is to bla­me. On the who­le, not so many job com­ple­te­ly fail. But if they do, the result quite often is a pain­ful and deman­ding situa­ti­on both for the […]

Empowering team leader

Empowering leadership in a team

An acquain­tance of mine works for a lar­ge public insti­tu­ti­on. She recent­ly told me how dif­fi­cult team work has beco­me due to an over­sen­si­ti­ve col­le­ague. In fact, the situa­ti­on in her team has beco­me so unbe­ara­ble, that after a vaca­ti­on she had lost all moti­va­ti­on to return to her job. All attempts so far to […]